Gatsu no Tenshi
Ignore This Page; It Was a Mistake!!!
Japanese Translations
Fan Fiction
Japanese Translations

I tend to use japanese words now and then and I don't want anyone feeling bad! I did before my Onee-chan [who I am not blood related to] helped me.


Youkai:demon [not the evil red imps with pitch forks, think indian sprits with the choice to be good or evil]


Reikai:Spirit World

Makai:Demon World

Ningenkai:Human World

Onee/Onii-Chan:big sister;respectful way to refer to an older girl/boy

Imouto-Chan:little sister

Okaa-San [Kaa-San]:Mother

Otou-San [Tou-San]:Father

Aishiteru:I love you

Daisuki:I like you [one step short of 'I love you']




Katana:japanese style sword

Miko:priestess;shine maiden

Taijia:demon slayer


Konichiwa: hello

Sayonara: goodbye

Ja Ne: see you later

Arigatou: thank you

Arigatou Gozaimas: thank you very much

Mashi Mashi: Hello [over the phone]

Hoteru: hotel

Ruumu: room

Futon: bed

Onegai: please

Murasaki: violet [flower]

Botan: peony

Inutaku: dogboy

Shuriken: Ninja throwing star [the sharp thingie ninjas throw]

Ichigo: strawberry

Hime: princess

Gomen: sorry

Gomen Nasai: forgive me

Hentai: pervert; porn

Gaki: brat

Hai: yes

Iie: no

Dooshite: why

Kawaii: cute

Mina: everyone

Ninzuu: number of people

Bangoo: number; numbers

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I plan on adding more as I learn [and think of] more. If you see anything incorrect with the translations please let me know.